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Scene reviews
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She always looks good going under.
She always looks good going under too bad no one is there to push her under with a foot on her head at the edge of the quicksand pit.
-coyote    2/26/19    
A great revisit to the golden age of Grim ending Quicksand vids
It's not bad. If your thing is quicksand, it's a classic. The mud is very thick, with a crusty top layer. Not much of the smooth, thick yellow clay is visible. The model submerges, but not fully. ( the top of her head does not go under.) For a quicksand connoisseur, this could be a deal breaker. There is a bit of footage included of the surfacing. But the facial coverage only lasts 7 seconds, and the footage of her getting out of the mud is from far awa. All in all, It's very story oriented, the struggling is good, and the mud looks great when she almost fully submerges. Not the best video quality. But good for its age. If you were around in the glory days of Quicksand fetish scenes, then, this is a great visit to a time we all loved. I hope you enjoy it as much as I have.
-Viking    2/27/15    
Don't buy if you want a movie focusing mainly on the quicksand.
It's okay, the movie focuses more on the story than the quicksand scene, and that leaves me a little sad. But great acting on Lily's part.
-zxcvvbnm    12/29/13    
The best real quicksand I have ever watched
Best REAL quicksand sence... where was that? I'd like to try it.
-bamamal2003    1/10/13    
Not too great
I purchased this as I was really looking forward to watching the guy sink at the end but hardly any effort was put into that portion of the movie, so i am disappointed.
-gamwam    12/21/11    
Not too great
quite dissapointing,... i purchasedthis mainly becasue iwanted to see the guy sink at the end,.. but alas,..no such sinking,. just a quick splash
-gamwam    12/21/11    
Beautiful model, nice outfit and mud, spoiled by bad camera work.
The model in this scene is an attractive athletic dark-blonde, wearing a very nice short-sleeve, shorts-leg, khaki jumpsuit / bodysuit, with an explorer's pith helme. When we first see her exploring the woods she's wearing shoes, however these are removed before she takes to the deep mud (sensible, as shoes can trap people in mud, getting firmly stuck where a bare foot would slide smoothly out).

The main edited scene lasts 20 minutes, and features the model wading into the mud, rapidly sinking to thigh depth and then struggling onwards, the shorts part of her jumpsuit gradually getting messier and messier as she works her way out to a patch of mud she can sink in, where she then slowly sinks completely, including full submersion with her head below the surface. The mud appears to be a lake shore and is quite thick and viscous.

The lighting is good, cloudy-bright daylight.

Sadly, the scene is spoiled by terrible camera work. All of it appears to be hand held, even when the model is in her sinking location and hence not moving about at all, and at some points the camera is allowed to drift completely away from the model till she's out of frame almost completely, as if the videographer isn't actually looking through the viewfinder.

Once the main scene finishes, there's then 40 minutes of the uncut version, which adds lots more shaking camera work plus conversation and interaction between the model and the two crewmembers, and ends with the model's head and shoulders rising back out of the mud following her submersion. It also includes the model being helped to submerge by the second crew member who bounces her energetically in the mud, pressing down on her shoulders which she seems to quite enjoy! That section is also mostly fairly steadily filmed too. You don't get to see her climb fully back out however so don't really get to see her mud-drenched costume.

For me, a miss, the shaking camera makes it impossible to enjoy the scene.
-DungeonMasterOne    9/13/11    
Nice model, nice outfit, but spoiled by very shaky camera work.
The model in this scene is an attractive dark haired woman somewhere in her mid to late 20s, and is clearly completely comfortable with deep sinking. She wears sunglasses, nice high-waist blue denim shorts, with about a 2-3" leg (hemmed, not cut-off jeans), and a blue denim sleeveless shirt, beneath which she has a bikini top. She is barefoot. Her shirt starts off buttoned up but she opens it to reveal the bikini top as she sinks.

The scene is shot hand-held throughout, and has the model, the photographer and the videographer talking to each other, plus background music. The photographer mentions a squeaky tripod, but unfortunately the video is entirely hand held, and sometimes very shakey. The scene is very well lit by constant bright sunshine.

The scene starts with the camera following the model into the bog, and then standing in a small clearing where she's going to sink. She rapidly finds the soft spot and starts to descend. The scene is well framed although some tall grasses intrude from time to time, and we get a nice shot of the model's bare legs sliding down quite quickly into the mud. She stops sinking just as the legs of her shorts are about to reach the muck, and sinks much more slowly from here on.

Unfortunately from this reviewer's perspective the section where her shorts sink in is quite disjointed, the videographer changes position very shakily, although there are a couple of nice shots if you pause the video. There's a reasonably good extreme close up of the shorts, now sunk about half-way, shot from almost directly above and in front. This is also where the model rips her shirt open.

At this point the model is provided with a bottle of what looks like beer, which she drinks from occasionally for the rest of the scene, which adds a nice "hey, I do this for fun!" element.

The scene then jumps to having the mud up to her waistband (shorts fully sunk). She now starts to work at sinking deeper, slowly sliding further into the mud.

For a minute or so the videographer puts the camera down (with a fair bit of dancing about) just above the surface of the bog, which gives a steady picture, but he doesn't remove any of the vegetation which is partly blocking the view. The model notices and tries to move some of it but isn't really in a position to do much, being by now chest-deep in the bog. After a moment the camera is picked up again and hand-held down-looking footage resumes, with a clear field of view as the model's chest and bikini-top slowly sinks.

At this point she finds she can't easily sink any further, so the videographer has her climb out a little. This gets the front of her bikini-top nicely messy, and also gives some decent shots of the back of her now mud-drenched shorts, shot from above, quite steadily in places, as she struggles up out of the mud. Once her shorts are clear of the surface, he tells her to get back in, and so she sinks down again. The scene cuts to her being as deep as she was previously.

Ultimately the model sinks to about armpit depth. There's a longish section of the model, deep in the mud, chatting to the two photographers, however it's far too shaky / jerky to really enjoy, sadly. The conversation is fun though!

Eventually, she climbs out. There are some nice scenes as she struggles free of the mud, but again it's marred by very shakey / jerky camera work.

There is talk of a wash-off and she heads over to a water-covered area, however she takes her shirt and shorts off while standing up so we don't see them getting wet. She reveals bikini bottoms under the shorts when she takes them off. There is a couple of minutes of the model, in just the bikini, washing the mud off in the swamp water.

Overall, I was disappointed. I'd bought the download hoping to enjoy watching the model sink, with a specific interest in seeing her shorts going in, but the constant motion of the camera makes this impossible. The scene probably will work for people who like seeing bare legs sliding into mud, and for those who like seeing an attractive woman sunk to just above her breasts and happily staying in the mud, relaxed and chatting. It won't work if you want steady shots of a woman wearing her clean clothes down into the mud, as that section is too shakey/jerky to enjoy.

At only $5.49, not a disaster, but I'm unlikely to watch this scene again.
-DungeonMasterOne    9/12/11    
Christy North-bubbly blond cutie
This video goes way back to when WAM was in its infancy. The video was shot on Hi-8, so be forewarned that it is not crystal clear. It is however, good video.

I never knew how bubbly and comfortable Christy North was in making quicksand videos. She was fun, spontaneous and very creative. After seeing this, I really wish she would come back and make videos today.

The dialogue is natural, not rehearsed. This is not a scripted video, just busty Christy in a red bikini being spontaneous while sinking in a mud hole.

For those who like unrehearsed action and natural dialogue, you will love this video.
-woody1296    2/27/11    
Down and gone
Grainy film as promised, but a good closeup of Kris as she goes under.
-windscorpion    2/23/11    
All squirm and no dunk
If you are looking for a complete sink, it ain't happening here. If you like to watch a gal struggle in mud, this might do it for you.
-windscorpion    2/23/11    
"Looking for mud in all the wrong places..."
Very long lead up scene to the final sink. Good squirming and struggling, but open dialogue between the actress and crew take away from the "drama." Still a great sink by Kris in the end.
-windscorpion    2/23/11    
A potentially good scene with no pay off.
This video is short and to the point. Kristin gets fucked doggy style pretty much the entire video. During the sex the camera is only on focused on Kristin's lovely face until her head is burried under the mud.

This is all self defeating though as there is virutally no after shots of Kirstin's muddy face in the entire video. All the shots of her muddy mug are edited out. Very disappointing. I don't understand why that would be edited out of the video since its the sole focus of the video.
-BigSam    1/28/11    
Cameraman: "I've gotta somehow make this last half-an-hour"
It takes half an hour for her to sink in up to her chest and then climb out. About half way through the camera man says "I've gotta somehow make this last half-an-hour or something – not easy."
-wtfdownloads    11/26/10    
A piece of history, OK at the pri.
Interesting collection of quicksand models from the past, but the downside is the quality. The slideshow pictures have none of the clarity which I suspect the original negatives had. But still, its a bit of history for those of us who remember the da.
-Billsinkers    11/2/10    
I want my money back.
Ah 'tis a shame! This video over about 10 years old and time has not been kind to the VHS source tape. Blurry, skips and distortions, no close-up shot until the end where the tape quality is poorest. Its a shame because Christy North was hot and the location great. But unwatchable now. I want my money back.
-ostrich67    5/6/10    
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